MASTHEADThomas Kneeland, Editor-in-ChiefDr. Martina McGowan, Poetry Editor Contributors Deborah Adams “Bottom Feeding” Nidhi Agrawal “Rummage” Natalli Amato “Red Rocks Park, Vermont,” “Decided” Mea Andrews “Ghazal: Self-Reflection in Gold” Maranda Barry “The Clock” Cody Beck “Winter Grocery Store” Andy Betz “As I meet the blue bonnets” Wendy BooydeGraaff “Conjuring an Existence” Maggie Bowyer “Untitled,” “Brush Strokes” S.T. Brant “The Power of Prayer” Oisin Breen “A Tenuous Threnody” Kevin Brennan “The time of my end rushes“ Terry Brinkman “Climbing the Maypole” Rohan Buettel “Predator and Prey” David Capps “Cormorants” Niyathi Chakrapani “Portrait of a Preteen Brooklyn Girl” N.T. Chambers “Gideon Got it Wrong” Henry Cherry “Flocked Beyond the Altimeter” Lindsay Clayton Day “Here Because We Are Here” Annie Cook “Marlene,” “Sunday,” “Letting Go” Tinamarie Cox “A Note from the Author” Douglas Currier “Death Waits” William David “A Cloudy Day” Terence Degnan “I Have Begun to Enrich My Own Uranium” Darren Demaree “Emily as a Coffee Shop” David Dixon “Old Man with Cup of Tea” Mohamed Faisal “Sitting at the cemetery watching a clock” Rebecca River Forbes “Sins of the Father” Anne Freier “Blow Your Smoke” Elizabeth Gade “Whipping Girls” Cid Galicia “Danni” Logan Garner “Band-Aids Don’t Heal Scars, I Do,” “Hatchet Man,” “Here, in the Floodplain” Benjamin Goluboff “National Prose Month,” “Zen and the Music of Earth, Wind, and Fire” Mark Hammerschick “Looking Beyond the Imperfections,” “Pump the Love Pump the Hope” Kevin James “do you care?” Shauna Jarrett “Thursday” Airea Johnson “Loose Change” Michael Lee Johnson “Poetry Man” Sarah Karowski “Americana Folktale: Fourth of July, 2002” Christin Karr “Elegy for my Grandpa” Paula Kaufman “Age Thirty-Four” Hans Kesling “In Which the You is Consistent, but not Static and Nothing is Limited by History,” “If a crystal grows in a nearly lightless cave and nobody sees it, does it still refract?,” “How you are dis-becoming” Abigail Kirby Conklin “Thanks, Instagram” Kara Knickerbocker “But the Light…” Sarah Kohrs “Anemones Slice into Heirloom” James Ph. Kotsybar “Quantum Will” BEE LB “small truths” Amanda Leal “Hole in the Sky,” “Florida Fireflies” Kendra Leonard “Hurricane Algebra” Simon Havok “Melodies Over the Railroad” Laurence Lillvik “Executive Management Tools” Ciera Lloyd “it is one year to the day” Ben Macnair “Padlocks and Tattoos” Cherubin Manokaran “Travesty” Ryan Mattern “I Looked to My People, and My People Said Nothing” Amber McDougall “vs World” Bradley James McElligott “autumn hair” Jill Michelle “Why I Am Not a Fashionista” Cindy Milwe “Softening” Mackenzie Moore “Remission” Nathanael O'Reilly “Curved Water,” “Clare Coast,” “Dún Laoghaire” Madelyn Parker “Sapphic Snow White Longing for a Blonde” Andre Peltier “See Rock City,” “Joshua Tree” Jimmie Pennington “wisdom of the senile mind” Erik Peters “Learning to Cook” Fred Pierre “The Lighthouse of Maracaibo,” “Beat Box (Ignite)” Cassie Premo Steele “Bewilderness,” “Hands,” “Surfing Lessons” Dustin Radke “To Leave” Shoshana Raine “Afraid of the Fairytale” Kimberly Ramos “middlelands” henry 7. reneau, jr. “The KN95 Blue(s)” Kristen Richards “what i said when you asked me to stay” H.E. Riddleton “Unknowing Niche” Thomas Rions-Maehren “The Trap” Alexander Russell “The Trees Look Like Crucified Thieves” Thaddeus Rutkowski “Airshaft Bird” Suzy Ryan “Promenade of Fresh Air” Sreyash Sarkar “Interior” Alanna Shaikh “Ordinary,” “Roots, or the persistence of fruit trees” Shalini Singh “A poem where I don’t say” Taylor Solano “Airing Out Laundry in Cortona” Samuel Spencer “Free,” “Ephemeral,” “New Planks” Maxwell Stenson “The Producer or: Milton” Travis Stephens “Only in Black and White” James Storbakken “Don’t Steal Others’ Religions,” “The Park Swing” Josh Stuyvesant “Driving from Gallup to Albuquerque,” “Today My Mother Phoned to Say” Rebecca Thrush “Visceral,” “Because I am me and you are you” Johanna Tollefson “See Bird” Julián Esteban Torres López “An Ill-Iterate Birth” Jose Varghese “Bazaar Sketches” Philip Vassallo “It Doesn’t Go Down Like That,” “Three Principles of Dialectical Thinking” Maura Way “Attention Fellow Schoolteachers:” Walter Weinschenk “Chrysanthemums” Sammie Wilhoit “Billie Eilish” Fiona Wilkes “Miriam” Ellen June Wright “I Talked to the Sun,” “The Anticipation of Flight” Kenton Yee “New Room” Caitie Young “A Poem for my Sister, or a Poem for God,” “Fruit and Other Things with Bruises” Molly Zhu “Other-Worldly,” “Mother Poem”