The Power of Prayer
I am Annihilation, lord. I am a ball of light held in a fist.
Light but outer dark-
Do not mistake, lord, my nothingness for trouble,
my absence for an effortlessness to live.
I am all I am, lord. All that I can be.
No one has sought their limit more,
No one clawed at the reaches of their power more
To be thwarted by the nature of themselves, lord,
than I, lord. You know, lord,
You know the trouble of being and thriving
And resistance, lord,
When you too met the challenges of life
And had to annihilate such resistance,
but I, lord,
Love the forces that resist me, they are me,
I am annihilation, lord, not annihilating,
Not destruction, lord, you are more than me,
but lord, I love life, lord,
Love me despite the covered shell I am,
What's dark to you is light, lord, to me,
In life. Love, love, love, lord, is all I have,
Am, lord. Lord, lord, lord, love, I, I, I, love, lord, I, lord, love.
The other end of prayer,
The other end of prayer,
Is cold air or Ruin’s stare.
The other end of prayer
Is an imp in a lair
Who combs your heart
Into his hair
At the other end of prayer.
S.T. Brant is a teacher from Las Vegas. Pubs in/coming from Honest Ulsterman, EcoTheo, Timber, Door is a Jar, Santa Clara Review, Rain Taxi, New South, Green Mountains Review, Another Chicago Magazine, Ekstasis, 8 Poems, and a few others. You can find him on Twitter @terriblebinth or Instagram @shanelemagne.