Airing Out Laundry in Cortona
Hang out to dry
the dreams of
children who stand on
the shoulders of
of winemakers
stone layers
shop keeps
mothers who lost
children before them
and wept silently
fathers too proud
to look their children in the eye
and concede
when they fell short
of their own dreams
grandparents who solemnly
walk the serpentine cobblestone path
to revere and uphold their God –
do the dreams of those who Believe
get picked up by the wind
and carried straight to Him?
Taylor Solano is a writer and educator living in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Her writing has appeared in FLOATED Alternative Culture Magazine, The Lamron, For Women Who Roar, Other Worldly Women Press, and South Florida Poetry Journal. In June 2020, she was a featured author of the Literary Partners Series at Writers & Books.