A Note from the Author

Every word I commit to the page is a drop of my blood,
a piece of my soul,
a fragment of the tumultuous thoughts streaming through my mind.
And when I write line after line to
transform the vast blank possibility before me,
I open a vein.
I bleed life and love and devotion
through my pen and onto paper
for you to consume.
And when you read the things I’ve written,
drink the verses poured from my depths,
you swallow the little bits of me I’ve so carefully shared.
As you read, you put me back together inside of you,
if only temporarily.
I hope you cherish our time together.
I hope I’ve nourished you.

Tinamarie Cox resides in Northern Arizona with her husband and two children. While she has devoted much of herself over the years to her family, she currently seeks to expand her universe by rekindling her love of writing. Tinamarie's poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Nevermore Journal and Red Weather Magazine. Follow her on Instagram @tinamariethinkstoomuch