Sapphic Snow White Longing for a Blonde
Stomach a long, deep well.
Honey haired girl smiles
down to the bottom.
Long hair hanging just
above the lip. A red pail scoops
the water of her eyes.
Honey seeps stones to my
feet, eager teeth reflect me.
Plum cheeks, in finger slips.
My lips would kiss her lips.
She’ll warp, shift in water.
Warm sips. Cold, aged agave
dripped moss curls. I’ve never
licked lips of other girls
I’ve never gripped the blue
agave eye. Kiss her drunk
salt little by little.
Women within taunted
ties. Long, deep honey
hair tugs on sky.
Madelyn Parker was born and raised in Oklahoma and holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Oklahoma City University. She has previous publications in The Red Earth Review and Petrichor.