Spaces Between Spaces
I am
busy killing time
thinking up
singularities, supernovas
fishing for
what is unknown, unseen
I am
fixing my leaking roof
a sorrow I can repair
with pieces of paper
and other scraps
and bits
I am
reading a book
I was in it - about a
dystopia where they
snatch books away
before you have read
I am
ending this below
you might consider
it beneath a surface
so much space
Mariam Ahmed is a poet and educator living in San Diego, CA. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Flint Hills Review, Panorama: The Journal of Travel, Place, and Nature, and The Offending Adam. Her book reviews can be read in Poetry International and The Los Angeles Review. Her novel, Free Art was released in January 2024. Mariam holds a Master of Fine Arts in Poetry from San Diego State University. When she is not writing or teaching, she enjoys trips to the ocean.